
An initiative of Enfield Churches to support and be a resource to the borough’s secondary schools.

Praying for schools

Join us as we pray for every secondary school in Enfield

RE lessons

Working in collaboration with teachers to create bespoke lessons

Supporting Christian students

Helping students set up or join their school Christian Club

Learn more about us

Who we are

Engage helps churches to connect with their local secondary schools and provides resources and expertise so they can provide support to RE teachers and Christian students. From the Engage network of pastors, youth leaders and experienced volunteers, teams are trained to run drop down days, make lesson presentations or facilitate weekly Christian Clubs. In addition, Engage provides resources, support to students so they are equipped to run clubs for their peers. Alongside this Engage maintains a rolling programme of prayer walks around all the boroughs secondary schools and monthly prayer updates to help churches to pray for their local schools.


Engage is a dynamic organisation committed to bridging the gap between the church and schools through various outreach initiatives. Their dedication to fostering a supportive environment for students and educators alike shines through in their multifaceted approach. From setting up Christian unions to supporting Religious Education (RE) lessons and Eucharist services, Engage has supported us at Bishop Stopford’s School to make a significant impact in nurturing spiritual growth within the School.

Assistant Headteacher and Lay Chaplain, Bishop Stopford's School.